Our customers are always looking for better ways to do the work they must do and adapt to the ever-changing requirements of working with offenders, and a quality information system can assist with that process. Too often, however, there is a disconnect between people working with offenders and those working with information technology. It is difficult for technical people to fully understand the nature and scope of your requirements, or even the terminology you are using, and it is difficult for you to know how to ask for what you need from a technology point of view.
Tracker was designed by people with first hand experience working in probation and court services, detention, community-based and residential treatment, corrections, forensic mental health, child guidance, special education and psychiatric settings. That experience includes public and private agencies, at all levels from line to top management, in multiple states, managing grants and evidence-based programs, facilitating academic research, and more. We have an insider's understanding of your work and can help address new requirements with greater understanding and depth.
We also understand that one size does not fit all. While the general mission is the same, every agency is different. Size, organization, policies and procedures, processing steps and options, reporting and documents, integration requirements and terminology all vary from one site to the next. Tracker was designed from the very beginning to accommodate and facilitate these differences. All of our customers share the same underlying system, but we can adapt the user interface as needed to localize a system for you.
The remaining tabs in this section provide more detail about Tracker, but they do not begin to describe everything we do, nor every function Tracker performs. Please contact us for more information, a demonstration, or to ask about any particular needs that you may have.
Tracker was designed to facilitate the process of working with offenders. It provides a single comprehensive system that addresses all operational areas of most agencies. It is task-oriented and allows staff to collect information in the course of their daily work. It is loaded with features that are designed to make the work easier, more complete with less errors, and provides management information as well as the ability to step back and look at your operations over time to see which of your efforts were effective and had the most impact. Additional information is available below.
Tracker itself is fully integrated within itself. While your agency may implement different "modules" they are all part of the same fully integrated system. Tracker provides a single comprehensive view of all offenders across all operations conducted by your agency. Portions of the data may be restricted to address special requirements, but no action is necessary if you want full access to all of the data in a fully integrated manner.
Regarding integration with other systems, we have also been providing integration services for decades. Tracker has the ability to exchange data with other systems, using a wide range of technologies and data formats. Please contact us to discuss your needs in more detail.
Tracker is a case management system was built on top of a behavioral science research engine. It can look at any aspect of your operation and provide a wide range of relevant dependent and independent variables to help quantify planning and implementation efforts, as well as numerous outcome measures. More information is available below.
Tracker is an Internet-Based system. You launch Tracker on your computer just as you would any other type of software. Then, Tracker uses the Internet in the background as needed to communicate with your server and others, facilitate remote offices, mobile workers and for data integration purposes. It's interaction with the Internet is configured to meet your needs, then the operation is automatic and invisible to you.